Sally (Blitsch) Kelly Inducted into the Hall of Fame


莎莉凯利, Class of 1964 was honored this weekend and she was inducted into the Distinguished 校友 Hall of Fame. Sally attended Allen Memorial Hospital Lutheran 护理学院 even though she never really wanted to be a nurse. Her mother encouraged her to attend, and she only agreed to it because it was close to home. 整个第一年, Sally tried to move home each Friday, but her mother sent her back every Sunday. 在第一年的课程之后, the 护理学生 began actually working with patients, 莎莉太沉迷其中了, 奖励, 神圣的工作, that 54 years later – she can’t quit. Sally went on to achieve her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Coe College in 1973, and her Masters of Science in Administration from the University of Notre Dame in 1991.

1964年毕业后, she went to work at Cook County Hospital in the pediatrics department in Chicago, 伊利诺斯州, later becoming the head nurse of that department. 继库克县之后, she worked at Hennepin County Hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota before being recruited back to Allen to teach pediatrics. In addition to her many years of teaching at Allen, Sally also taught at St. Luke’s 护理学院 in Cedar Rapids, Mercy Medical Center in Cedar Rapids, 和Mount Mercy College. Sally worked for People’s 社区 健康 Clinic in Waterloo as the Clinic Coordinator for 5 years before returning to 艾伦医院 in 1983 where she stayed until 2008. She held roles as the Nurse Manager for Pediatrics, 家庭健康护理经理, and as the Patient Relations Coordinator. She then served as adjunct faculty at beat365在线体育投注 from 2008 to 2015. Sally says that she has worked in many hospitals, and taught in many nursing education institutions, 而是艾伦护理学院 & beat365在线体育投注 has had the highest standards of any. She is fortunate that it was so close to her home.

In addition to her impressive career, Sally offers her time to the community in many ways. She has worked with the Missionary of Charity (Mother Theresa of Calcutta), in Haiti at a hospital for the dying as well as an orphanage hospital, has held positions on Parish Council for St. 玛丽教区/和平女王, is involved in Pro-Life and Parish 社区 服务s, volunteered at the Jubilee Clinic in Waterloo, worked on various Notre Dame 校友 Club 社区 服务 projects, is a Eucharistic Minister for 艾伦医院 and Country View Care Center, has presented numerous Continuing Education Programs, is a training volunteer for Love INC (In the Name of Christ), and currently serves on the board for the Salvation Army. And to this day, she is the school nurse and volunteer for Columbus Catholic High School.

One of Sally’s dear friends and classmates says, “我57年前遇见了莎莉, and I have not met a nurse with more integrity, love and nursing skill than Sally. The impact she has had and continues to have on patients, 他们的家庭, 护理学生, 医务人员, 其他的都是惊人的. I admire her living out her personal faith as she cares for the least, the last and the lost.” She goes on to say, “The person Sally would give the most credit for her nursing career is her mom! I know Sally would say her mom should be in the Hall of Fame.”

Sally has a strong philosophy on nursing. 她指出, “Nurses must maintain the belief that it is our privilege to care for the sick and 他们的家庭. Our life work enables us to live through the gospel... 365365体育在线投注是如此的幸运! Nursing faculty have a great responsibility to provide students with knowledge and skills for critical thinking and the ability to utilize the nursing process. We must recognize the need to create a safe and receptive environment for this learning to take place. Teaching and learning can, and should be, both a challenge and a joy. Nursing is more than a job, more than a career. It is SACRED WORK, and so 奖励, and so much fun.”

Sally also says, “Nursing is my opium. And this is why I always wear my Allen Nursing Cap when I am serving God in Nursing. I do it for gratitude, and to honor my mother.”